Angola Visa
Angola Visa
Angola Visa Information:
The general information provided below is intended to minimize the inconvenience to those who may be planning to travel to Angola and require an entry visa in the near term. Under the current regulations, the local consular office has been authorized to process both ordinary and work visas.
Ordinary Visas
Processing wait time DOES NOT include the time required for additional special clearance or administrative processing. These procedures require additional time. Most special clearances are resolved within 30 days of application. When additional administrative processing is required, the timing will vary based on individual circumstances of each case. Processing wait time also does not include the time required to return the passport to applicants, by either courier services or the local mail system. The time of stay in the country with this type of visa may not exceed 90 days.
Work Visas
The work visa must be initiated in the country of origin. The Consular office must send the work visa request to the Angolan Service of Migration and Aliens (SME) in Angola for approval. The processing time for a Work Visa takes at least 45 days from the day of its receipt by our office of the completed application.
The work visa is valid for two years and multiple entries are permitted and the validity of the visa may not exceed the period of the contract.
For a copy of the visa application in PDF format, click here.
Requirements for a Transit Visa
1. All requirements listed under Paragraph V
2. Copy of a ticket
Additional Requirements for an Ordinary Visa
1. All requirements listed under Paragraph V
2. An Invitation Letter sent by the individual or institution to be contacted in Angola
3. Copy of a return ticket or travel itinerary
4. Certified check or money order in the amount of $ 110.00. No personal checks accepted
5. Proof of means of subsistence while in Angola ($ 100.00 per day)
Note: A Bank statement or letter from an employer sponsoring the travel normally suffices as proof.
Additional Requirements for a Work Visa
1. Copy of contract signed by the representative of the firm or institution employing, hiring or sponsoring the trip, stating specifically the job to be performed by applicant, the duration of the contract, and the fact that employer takes full financial responsibility for the applicant. Contract must be authenticated by a Public Notary and it must be addressed to the Consular services of the Embassy of Angola
2. Two additional passport size pictures
3. Statement authenticated by a Public Notary indicating that applicant agrees to abide by the Angolan laws
4. Police Clearance authenticated by the Department of State stating that applicant has no pending criminal proceedings
5. Medical Certificate of health, including HIV test results authenticated by a Public Notary.
6. Certified check or Money Order in the amount of $ 300.00.
7. The requirements listed above should not, in any form or shape, be considered all inclusive. The Consular office of the Embassy of Angola reserves the right to request additional information, if necessary.
Requirements from all applicants
1. Two completely filled out application forms
2. Two recent passport size pictures with the name written on the back. (No snapshots allowed)
3. A passport valid for at least 6 months
4. Documentation or correspondence related to the purpose of travel
5. Foreign permanent residents in the U. S. must produce copy of Green Card.