


Migration to Australia – Employment in Australia:
Everyone in Australia has the right to share in and enjoy the Australian lifestyle. This includes the right to work and earn wealth. That wealth helps you to enjoy the pleasure of a free and equal society. We all expect each other to contribute to and share in Australia’s wealth. The government taxes the income that you earn to provide for the common good of all Australians. The government sets laws on wages and work conditions. The laws ensure a fair and just work life. The laws are about the types of legal agreements that define the work relationship between employers and employees. They vary between collective bargaining of unions to individual common law contracts. The agreements determine the amount paid to an employee, the hours worked and conditions such as safety, leave, allowances, training, anti discrimination and more. Australia has a long tradition of strong support for work laws. This makes the work place fair, safe and productive so that both employers and employees earn rewards for their effort.If you do not already have a source of income or a job available, and provided your visa allows it, you will need to look for work. Approval to migrate does not guarantee a Job.

See: How do I find work? Can I use my Qualifications and Skills? How do I apply for a job? What do I need to start work? What are my rights? How do I start my own business? What support is there if I do not find work?

Click here for more information

Choosing a super fund
Provides information for employees about choosing a super fund or retirement savings account (RSA) that will receive their super contributions under the superannuation guarantee.

Australian Taxation Office Employer resources
There are several services to support employers with employees who receive a payment or service from the Department of Human Services.

Department of Human Services Employers – tax and superannuation obligations

Provides information to assist employers to meet their tax and superannuation obligations. You have specific responsibilities at every stage of your worker’s engagement, from engaging your first employee or contractor through to ceasing to be an employer.

If you have a question or problem relating to your workplace, call the Fair Work Infoline on 13 13 94. Before calling, check out the Before you call checklist (63.6KB). If you don’t have this information when you call, you may be asked to find it out and call back.

Fair Work Ombudsman For Employers – apprenticeships
Information for employers on all aspects of Australian Apprenticeships, including costs and benefits for your business and where to get more information.

Department of Industry and Science Guide to superannuation for employers
Provides information and advice for employers on paying superannuation for employees and contractors.

Provides information about tax file numbers (TFNs) for individuals including what they are used for, how to obtain one or how to find your TFN if you already have one. Only one TFN is issued to you during your lifetime, even if you change your circumstances.

Australian Taxation Office Individual income tax rates
Shows the percentage of tax payable for each income bracket, for individual Australian taxpayers, for the previous and current financial years.

Information for employers – anti-discrimination
Provides information to help employers deal effectively with discrimination and harassment in the workplace so that everyone involved with your business is treated fairly and with respect.

Australian Human Rights Commission National Employment Standards
What are the National Employment Standards and who do they apply to? Find out more about these 10 minimum entitlements.

Fair Work Ombudsman Super
Provides tax information about superannuation for workers, employers, self-managed super funds and superannuation professionals.

Australian Taxation Office Tax withheld calculator
If you are an employer or another withholding payer, the TWC helps you work out the tax you need to withhold from payments you make to employees and other workers.

Australian Taxation Office Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO)
Visa holders who do not have a label in their passport can confirm their current visa details online. Organisations can use VEVO to check the visa status of visa holders applying for work, study, licenses and access to government services.

Department of Immigration and Border Protection Visa holders and migrants – know your workplace rights
Find out what visa holders and migrants need to know before they start working in Australia.

Fair Work Ombudsman Visas and immigration information for employers
Offers visa and immigration information for employers who wish to sponsor skilled people to work in Australia.

Department of Immigration and Border Protection