Online Business Degree: A Comprehensive Guide to Earning Your Business Degree Online

If you’re considering pursuing a business degree, you might be wondering if earning an online business degree is the right choice for you. Online education has become increasingly popular in recent years, with many universities and colleges offering online programs that allow students to earn their degrees from the comfort of their own homes.

In this article, we will explore the benefits and drawbacks of earning an online business degree, the types of degrees available, the admission process, and how to succeed in an online program. We will also discuss the career options available for those with a business degree, as well as some of the top universities and colleges offering online business degree programs.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Benefits of Earning an Online Business Degree
  3. Drawbacks of Earning an Online Business Degree
  4. Types of Online Business Degrees
    1. Associate’s Degree
    1. Bachelor’s Degree
    1. Master’s Degree
    1. Doctoral Degree
  5. Admission Process for Online Business Degree Programs
    1. Application Requirements
    1. Application Deadlines
    1. Standardized Tests
  6. How to Succeed in an Online Business Degree Program
    1. Time Management
    1. Active Participation
    1. Communication Skills
    1. Technical Skills
  7. Career Options for Business Degree Holders
    1. Marketing Manager
    1. Financial Analyst
    1. Human Resources Manager
    1. Business Operations Manager
  8. Top Online Business Degree Programs
    1. University of Florida
    1. Arizona State University
    1. University of Massachusetts Amherst
    1. Pennsylvania State University
  9. Conclusion
  10. FAQs

Benefits of Earning an Online Business Degree

One of the primary benefits of earning an online business degree is the flexibility it offers. Online programs allow students to complete coursework and assignments on their own schedules, making it easier to balance work, family, and other commitments.

Another benefit of online business programs is that they tend to be more affordable than traditional programs. Many online programs have lower tuition rates and fewer additional fees than on-campus programs, making them a more cost-effective option.

Online programs also offer students the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals who may not be available to teach at a traditional university. This is because online programs can attract top talent from around the world, giving students access to a wider range of perspectives and expertise.

Online Business Degree

Drawbacks of Earning an Online Business Degree

While there are many benefits to earning an online business degree, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider. One of the main drawbacks is the lack of face-to-face interaction with professors and classmates. This can make it more difficult for students to build relationships and networks, which are important in the business world.

Another potential drawback is the lack of structure that online programs offer. Without a set schedule and regular class meetings, it can be easy for students to fall behind and struggle to stay motivated.

Types of Online Business Degrees

There are several types of online business degrees available, ranging from associate’s degrees to doctoral degrees.

Associate’s Degree

An associate’s degree is a two-year undergraduate degree that is typically offered by community colleges, technical schools, and some four-year colleges and universities. This type of degree is often seen as a stepping stone for students who plan to continue their education and earn a bachelor’s degree or higher, but it can also prepare students for entry-level careers in a variety of fields.

Associate’s degree programs typically require students to complete a certain number of credits in general education courses, such as English, math, and science, as well as courses in their chosen major. Some associate’s degree programs are designed to prepare students for specific careers, such as nursing or dental hygiene, and may require students to complete clinical or hands-on training.

One advantage of earning an associate’s degree is that it can be more affordable and accessible than a four-year degree program. Many community colleges offer lower tuition rates than four-year colleges and universities, and many associate’s degree programs can be completed entirely online, which can be convenient for students who are working or have other obligations.

While an associate’s degree can provide students with valuable skills and knowledge, it may not be sufficient for all career paths. Some employers may prefer candidates with a bachelor’s degree or higher, particularly for managerial or executive positions. However, an associate’s degree can be a good option for students who want to get started in a particular field or who are looking for a more affordable way to complete their education.

Bachelor’s Degree

A bachelor’s degree is a four-year undergraduate degree that is offered by colleges and universities. This type of degree is typically required for many professional careers and can also provide a foundation for further education at the graduate level.

Bachelor’s degree programs are designed to provide students with a broad education in a variety of subjects, as well as a deeper understanding of their chosen major. Students typically take a combination of general education courses, such as English, math, and science, as well as courses in their major area of study. Some bachelor’s degree programs also require students to complete a capstone project or thesis.

There are many different types of bachelor’s degree programs available, covering a wide range of subjects. Some popular majors include business, psychology, nursing, computer science, and engineering, among others. Some bachelor’s degree programs also offer the opportunity for students to specialize in a particular area of their field, such as marketing or finance.

One advantage of earning a bachelor’s degree is that it can provide students with a wide range of career opportunities. Many professional careers, such as engineering, teaching, and healthcare, require a bachelor’s degree for entry-level positions. Additionally, earning a bachelor’s degree can also provide a foundation for further education at the graduate level, such as a master’s or doctoral degree.

However, earning a bachelor’s degree can also be expensive and time-consuming. Tuition rates for four-year colleges and universities can be high, and many students also need to cover the cost of housing, textbooks, and other expenses. Additionally, earning a bachelor’s degree typically requires a significant time commitment, with many students taking four or more years to complete their degree.

Overall, a bachelor’s degree can provide students with valuable skills and knowledge that can be applied to a wide range of careers. However, it is important for students to carefully consider the costs and benefits of earning a bachelor’s degree, as well as their own personal and professional goals, before making a decision.

Master’s Degree

A master’s degree is an advanced degree that is typically earned after completing a bachelor’s degree. This type of degree is designed to provide students with specialized knowledge and skills in a particular field, as well as the opportunity for more advanced study and research.

Master’s degree programs typically require students to complete a certain number of credits in their chosen field, as well as any necessary prerequisite courses. Many master’s degree programs also require students to complete a thesis or capstone project, which involves original research or creative work in their field.

There are many different types of master’s degree programs available, covering a wide range of subjects. Some popular majors include business, education, engineering, nursing, and social work, among others. Many master’s degree programs also offer the opportunity for students to specialize in a particular area of their field, such as marketing or finance.

One advantage of earning a master’s degree is that it can provide students with advanced skills and knowledge that can be applied to a wide range of careers. Many professional careers, such as counseling, social work, and education, require a master’s degree for entry-level positions. Additionally, earning a master’s degree can also provide opportunities for career advancement and higher salaries.

However, earning a master’s degree can also be expensive and time-consuming. Tuition rates for master’s degree programs can be high, and many students also need to cover the cost of housing, textbooks, and other expenses. Additionally, earning a master’s degree typically requires a significant time commitment, with many students taking two or more years to complete their degree.

Overall, a master’s degree can provide students with valuable skills and knowledge that can help them succeed in their careers. However, it is important for students to carefully consider the costs and benefits of earning a master’s degree, as well as their own personal and professional goals, before making a decision.

Doctoral Degree

A doctoral degree is the highest level of academic degree that one can earn in a particular field of study. It typically takes several years of study beyond the master’s degree level and involves advanced coursework, comprehensive exams, and a dissertation or research project.

Doctoral degree programs are designed for students who wish to specialize in a particular field and become experts in their area of study. These programs typically offer a high level of academic rigor and require students to conduct original research or contribute new knowledge to their field of study.

There are many different types of doctoral degree programs, including Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor of Education (EdD), Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), and Doctor of Medicine (MD), among others. Each type of doctoral program is designed to prepare students for a specific career path or academic discipline.

One advantage of earning a doctoral degree is that it can provide students with a high level of expertise and knowledge in their field of study, which can lead to career advancement and higher salaries. Many professional careers, such as academia, research, and healthcare, require a doctoral degree for entry-level positions.

However, earning a doctoral degree is a significant investment of time and money. Doctoral degree programs can take several years to complete, and many students need to balance coursework with other responsibilities such as work or family. Additionally, doctoral degree programs can be expensive, with tuition rates often higher than those for master’s degree programs.

Overall, a doctoral degree can provide students with advanced skills and knowledge that can help them succeed in their careers and make significant contributions to their field of study. However, students should carefully consider the costs and benefits of pursuing a doctoral degree, as well as their own personal and professional goals, before making a decision.

Admission Process for Online Business Degree Programs

The admission process for online business degree programs varies depending on the university or college. However, there are some common requirements and deadlines to be aware of.

Application Requirements

Most online business degree programs require applicants to submit transcripts from their previous academic institutions, letters of recommendation, and a personal statement or essay. Some programs may also require applicants to submit standardized test scores, such as the GMAT or GRE.

Application Deadlines

Application deadlines for online business degree programs vary depending on the program and university. Some programs have rolling admissions, which means that applications are accepted on an ongoing basis. Other programs have set application deadlines, which are typically in the fall or spring.

Standardized Tests

Some online business degree programs require applicants to submit standardized test scores, such as the GMAT or GRE. These tests are designed to assess an applicant’s academic ability and potential for success in a graduate-level business program.

How to Succeed in an Online Business Degree Program

Succeeding in an online business degree program requires a different set of skills and strategies than traditional on-campus programs. Here are some tips for success:

Time Management

Effective time management is key to success in an online program. Students should create a schedule that allows them to balance coursework, assignments, and other responsibilities.

Active Participation

Active participation is important in online programs because it allows students to engage with their classmates and professors. Students should participate in online discussions, ask questions, and collaborate with their peers.

Communication Skills

Good communication skills are essential in online programs, as much of the communication takes place through email, chat rooms, and discussion forums. Students should be able to communicate clearly and professionally.

Technical Skills

Online programs require students to be comfortable with technology, including video conferencing software, online learning platforms, and other tools. Students should have basic technical skills and be willing to learn new software and platforms as needed.

Career Options for Business Degree Holders

A business degree can open up a wide range of career opportunities. Here are some of the top careers for business degree holders:

Marketing Manager

Marketing managers are responsible for developing and implementing marketing strategies to promote a company’s products or services. They may work in a variety of industries and typically have a bachelor’s or master’s degree in business or marketing.

Financial Analyst

Financial analysts are responsible for analyzing financial data and providing insights and recommendations to help companies make better financial decisions. They typically have a bachelor’s or master’s degree in finance or accounting.

Human Resources Manager

Human resources managers are responsible for recruiting, hiring, and managing employees. They typically have a bachelor’s or master’s degree in human resources or business administration.

Business Operations Manager

Business operations managers are responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of a business. They typically have a bachelor’s or master’s degree in business administration or a related field.

Top Online Business Degree Programs

Here are some of the top universities and colleges offering online business degree programs:

University of Florida

The University of Florida offers a variety of online business programs, including a bachelor’s degree in business administration and a master’s degree in business administration. The programs are designed to be flexible and offer students the opportunity to specialize in areas such as entrepreneurship, finance, and marketing.

Indiana University

Indiana University offers online business programs at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The programs are designed to be highly interactive and feature real-world case studies and simulations.

Arizona State University

Arizona State University offers a variety of online business programs, including a bachelor’s degree in business administration and a master’s degree in business analytics. The programs are designed to be highly flexible and offer students the opportunity to specialize in areas such as supply chain management and sports business.

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign offers a highly regarded online master’s degree in business administration. The program is designed to be highly interactive and features a combination of live online classes and self-paced coursework.

What business degree makes the most money?

There are several business degrees that can lead to high-paying career opportunities. Some of the most lucrative business degrees include:

  1. Master of Business Administration (MBA): An MBA degree is one of the most popular and highly respected business degrees, and it can lead to a wide range of high-paying career opportunities. Graduates with an MBA degree can pursue careers in finance, consulting, marketing, management, and other fields, and the average salary for MBA graduates is typically quite high.
  2. Master of Science in Finance (MSF): A master’s degree in finance can lead to highly lucrative career opportunities in the financial services industry. Graduates with an MSF degree can pursue careers in investment banking, hedge funds, private equity, and other areas, and the average salary for MSF graduates is typically quite high.
  3. Master of Science in Data Analytics (MSDA): A master’s degree in data analytics is a relatively new but highly in-demand degree program that can lead to high-paying careers in fields such as business intelligence, data mining, and predictive analytics.
  4. Bachelor of Science in Accounting (BSA): An accounting degree can lead to high-paying careers in accounting, auditing, and other financial fields. Graduates with a BSA degree typically go on to become certified public accountants (CPAs), and the average salary for CPAs is quite high.
  5. Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA): A BSBA degree is a broad-based business degree that can lead to high-paying careers in a wide range of fields, including finance, marketing, management, and entrepreneurship.

Ultimately, the earning potential of a business degree depends on a variety of factors, including the specific degree program, the industry and location of the job, and the individual’s skills and experience. However, pursuing a degree in one of the above areas can help maximize earning potential and lead to a successful and rewarding career in the business world.


An online business degree can open up a wide range of career opportunities and provide students with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the business world. By choosing a reputable program and developing the skills needed to succeed in an online environment, students can prepare themselves for a successful career in business.


  1. Is an online business degree as valuable as a traditional degree?

Yes, online business degrees are just as valuable as traditional degrees. Many top universities and colleges offer online business programs that are highly regarded and respected in the business world.

  • Can I specialize in a specific area of business with an online degree?

Yes, many online business degree programs offer students the opportunity to specialize in areas such as finance, marketing, and entrepreneurship.

  • How long does it take to complete an online business degree program?

The length of an online business degree program varies depending on the level of degree and the university. Bachelor’s degree programs typically take four years to complete, while master’s and doctoral degree programs can take two to five years or more.

  • Do I need to have previous business experience to enroll in an online business degree program?

No, previous business experience is not typically required to enroll in an online business degree program. However, some programs may require applicants to have a certain level of academic achievement or work experience.

  • What career opportunities are available with an online business degree?

An online business degree can prepare students for a wide range of careers in fields such as marketing, finance, human resources, and business operations management.