
What Is a Visa?
A visa is a travel document that allows you to enter a foreign country for a specific period of time. In most cases, you have to apply for a visa before travelling, either at an embassy, consulate, or online. Sometimes you can also obtain a visa on arrival. Visas are usually affixed onto your passport and state how long you can stay.
Most countries impose visa requirements for foreign nationals as a security measure: to keep track of who enters and to stop illegal immigration. Visas are also used as a defensive effort, stopping security risks from entering a country.
A visa is a sticker on your passport, containing your name, picture, and the number of days you are allowed to stay in a specific country.
In some cases, visas are also issued as separate documents and are not attached to your passport – such as electronic visas, which you must print out.

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A UK visa is the authorizing document that gives worldwide citizens the right to enter, stay temporarily or live forever in the territory of the UK. A visa is usually either a stamp you receive in your passport or a document given by a UK consulate or embassy in your country of residence.

If you are issued a visa, it means that you are eligible to enter the UK and that you meet the requirements of the particular visa that you have been given. There are different reasons why people want to apply for a UK visa, such as:

  • To work and to do business
  • To study
  • For short stays and tourism
  • To join family members who are already in the UK
  • To transit through the UK to another country
  • To live permanently
  • As a refugee or as someone who needs humanitarian protection
  • As a stateless person
  • As someone who needs permission to stay

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Millions of people enter and leave the United States every year. It is a popular tourism and immigration destination. However, if you are not a resident of the United States, you will most likely need a visa to enter the country.

A US visa is a stamp that you get on your travel document, more specifically your passport, which means that you are eligible to enter the United States. Having a US Visa does not necessarily mean that you will enter the US, as this is at the discretion of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the Customs and Borders Protection (CPB) Inspectors.