Uruguay Embassy

Uruguay Embassy

Uruguay Embassy

List of Uruguay Embassy World Wide
Embassy of Uruguay in Buenos Aires, Argentina – Embassy of Uruguay in Buenos Aires, Argentina –
Embassy of Uruguay in Brasilia, Brazil – Embassy of Uruguay in Brasilia, Brazil –

Embassy of Uruguay in Ottawa, Canada – Embassy of Uruguay in Ottawa, Canada –

Embassy of Uruguay in Santiago, Chile – Embassy of Uruguay in Santiago, Chile –

Embassy Of Uruguay in Washington, DC USA – Ministry Of Foreign Affairs –Embassy Of Uruguay in Washington, DC USA – Ministry Of Foreign Affairs –

Permanent Mission of Uruguay to the United Nations in New York, United States of America – Permanent Mission of Uruguay to the United Nations in New York, United States of America –

Mission of Uruguay to the Organization of American States in Washington, United States of America – Mission of Uruguay to the Organization of American States in Washington, United States of America –

Embassy of Uruguay in Buenos Aires, Argentina – Av. Las Heras 1907/P.15, 1127 – Capital Federal, Tel: (5411) 4807.3040- 4807.3060/61, Fax: (005411) 4807.3050, Cable: URUBAIRES,  E-mail: embarou@elsitio.net

Consulate of Uruguay in Oranjestad, Aruba –  J.G. Emanstraat No. 122 P.O. Box No. 1181,  Tel: (2972/3) 282 20 114/33774, Fax: (2972/3) 282 20 130/22 598

Embassy of Uruguay in Canberra, Australia – Commerce House Suite 2, Level 4, 24 Brisbane Avenue, Barton ACT 2600, Tel: (02) 6273 9100, Fax: 6273 9099, Email: urucan@austarmetro.com.au

Consulate of Uruguay in Salzburg, Austria – Alpenstrasse 75 A 5033, Tel: (43662) 205 16 25,  Fax: (43662) 205 16 15

Embassy of Uruguay in Brussel, Belgium – 22 B Franklin Roosvelt Avenue – 1050, Tel: (322) 640 11 69, Fax: (322) 648 29 09, Cable: URUBEL, E-mail: uruemb@skynet.be

Embassy of Uruguay in La Paz, Bolivia – Calle 21 Calacoto (San Miguel) N°8350 Edif.Monroy Velez, Piso 7, Tel: (005912) 279.14.82 / 279.14.65,  Fax: (005912) 212.94.13, Cable: URULIVIA,  E-mail: urulivia@mail.megalink.com

Embassy of Uruguay in Sofia, Bulgaria – Tzar Iván Assen II, N° 91, Tel: (3592) 943.45.45 / 943.19.57, Fax: (3592) 943.40.40, Cable: URUBULG, E-mail: urubulg@mbox.digsys.bg

Embassy of Uruguay in Beijing, China – Tayuan Building 1-11-2, Beijing C.P. 100600,  Tel: (8610) 6532 44 45 / 6532 44 13, Fax: (8610) 6532 73 75, E-mail: urubei@public.bta.net.cn

Consulate of Uruguay in Nicosia, Chipre – Libra House 21 P. Catelaris Street, Nicosia 136,  Tel: (3572) 46 67 66, .Fax: (3572) 44 87 77


Embassy of Uruguay in Bogota, Colombia – Edificio “El Nogal”, Carrera 9, N° 80-15, Piso 11, Tel: (571) 2352968-2351462-2352748,  Fax: (571) 248.37.34, Cable: URUCOLOM, E-mail: urucolom@elsitio.net.co


Embassy of Uruguay in San Jose, Costa Rica – Calles 35 y 37 ave 14 Apartado Postal 3448-1000, Tel: (506) 253 27 55, Fax: (506) 234 99 09, Cable: URUTIC, E-mail: embajrou@sol.racsa.co.cr


Consulate of Uruguay in La Habana, Cuba – Calle 14 Nº 506, entre 5a. y 7a. Avda., Tel: (537) 204 34 87/204.23.11, Fax: (537) 204 22 46, E-mail: conurucu@ceniai.inf.cu


Embassy of Uruguay in Prague, Czech Republic – Muchova 9, 160 00, Praga 6, Tel: (420) 2. 24314755 / 15746, Fax: (420) 2. 24313780, Cable: URUPRA, E-mail: urupra@urupra.cz


Embassy of Uruguay in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic – Baltasar Brum N°7 Apto. 1-B, Ensanche La Esperilla, Tel:: (1809) 682 55 65 – 688 65 64, Fax: (1809) 687 21 67, Cable: URUDOMI, E-mail: embur@codetel.net.do


Embassy of Uruguay in Quito, Ecuador – Avda. 6 de Diciembre 2816 y Paul Rivet, piso.9, Tel: (5932) 256 37 62 – 254 42 28, Fax: (5932) 256 37 63, Cable: URUCUA, E-mail: emburug1@emburuguay.int.ec


Embassy of Uruguay in Cairo, Egypt – 6, Loutfallah, Zamalek, Tel: (202) 735.35.89/ 736.51.37, Fax: (202) 736.81.23, Cable: URUEGIP,  E-mail: urugemb@idsc.gov.eg


Embassy of Uruguay in San Salvador, El Salvador – Ed. Gran Plaza, Local 405, Boulevard del Hipodromo, Colonia San Benito, Tel: (503) 211.23.27/23.28, Fax: (503) 279 16 27, Cable: URUSALVA, E-mail: urusalva@telesal.net, Consular Section E-mail: conurusalva@integra.com.sv


Consulate General of Uruguay in Helsinki, Finland – Lönnrotinkatu 7, 00120 Helsinki, Tel: (3580) 61 10 6, Fax: (3580) 64 48 36


Embassy of Uruguay in Paris, France – 15, rue Le Sueur, 1er. etage, 75116, Paris, Tel: (331) 4500 81 37, Fax: (331) 4501 25 17,  Cable: URUGALIA, E-mail: urugali@fr.inter.net


Embassy of Uruguay in Berlin, Germany – Budapesterstr. 39 – 10787 Berlín, Tel: (004930) 263 90 16, Fax: (004930) 263 90 170,  Cable: URUBRANDE,  E-mail: urubrande@t-online.de


Embassy of Uruguay in Athens, Greece – Licavitou 1 Gama, 1er Piso, 106 72, Atenas, Tel: (0030) 103602635 – 103613549,  Fax: (0030) 1033613549, Cable: URUGREC, E-mail: urugrec@otenet.gr


Embassy of Uruguay in Guatemala City, Guatemala – 6ta. Av. 2025, Zona 10, Edif. “Plaza Marítima” 5to Nivel, of. 5-3; Ap. Post. 260-A,  Tel: (5022)337 02 28/29 – 368 08 10, Fax: (5022) 333 75 53, Cable: URUGUATE, E-mail: uruguate@guate.net


Consulate of Uruguay in Puerto Principe, Haiti – Economic Tires, Autoroute de Delmas 37- Port-au-Prince, Haití, Tel: (509) 249.19.97,  Fax: (509) 249.19.98


Consulate of Uruguay in San Pedro Sula, Honduras – 2da. Calle, N.O. 1617, Avda. 116, San Pedro Sula, Cortés, Tel: (504) 53 30 94 –  53 41 78, Fax: (504) 57 83 65


Embassy of Uruguay in Budapest, Hungary – Verhalom UTCA. 12/16, Edificio A 1er Piso 3, 1023, Tel: (361) 326 04 91- 326 04 59,  Fax: (361) 326 04 59, Cable: URUPEST, E-mail: urupest@euroweb.hu


Embassy of Uruguay in New Delhi, India – A16/2 Vasant Vihar, 110057, Tel: (009111) 615.1991/1992, Fax: (009111) 614.43.06,  Cable: URUIND, E-mail: uruind@del3.vsnl.net.in


Embassy of Uruguay in Teheran, Iran – Nro. 45, Shabnam Alley, Shahid Atefi Shargi St, Jordan Ave, Theran, Tel: (9821) 205 20 30,  Fax: (9821) 205 33 22, Cable: URUTER, E-mail: uruter@chapar.net


Consulate of Uruguay in Reykjavik, Island – Sudurlandsbraut 4 A, Tel: (354) 56809000, Fax: (354) 5680909


Embassy of Uruguay in Tel Aviv, Israel – Nordau 73 Herzlia “B” 46582 Israel, Tel: (9729) 9569611/9569612, Fax: (9729) 951.58.81,  Cable: URUISR, E-mail: emrou@netvision.net.il


Embassy of Uruguay in Rome, Italy – Via Vittorio Veneto 183 – Piso 5to. 00187, Tel: (3906)482 17 76/77 – 482 10 01, Fax: (3906) 482 36 95, Cable: URUIT, E-mail: uruguay@tuttopmi.it


Consulate of Uruguay in Kingston, Jamaica – 63 a Hagley Park Road Kingston II, Tel: (926)6511 – 7949 – 3273 – 3275, Fax: (929) 3281


Embassy of Uruguay in Tokyo, Japan – 38 Kowa International Building, Room 908, 4-12-24 Nishi Azabu, Minato-Ku, Tokio 106, Tel: (813) 3486 1750 – 3486 1888, Fax: (813) 3486 9872,  Cable: URUJAP, E-mail: urujap@luck.ocn.ne.jp


Consulate of Uruguay in Amman, Jordania – Sita Wadi Sakra (Saab Car Building), P.O. Box 289,  Tel: (9626) 632981- 625565- 635677


Embassy of Uruguay in Beirut, Libanon – Rue Banque du Liban, Immeuble “Stella Maris”, 3e. Etage, Jounieh, P.O. Box6045, Box 2, Tel: (9619) 63 65 29 / 30, Fax: (9619) 63 65 31, Cable: URULIBAN, E-mail: uruliban@dm.net.lb


Embassy of Uruguay in Kuala Lumpur, Malasia – 6 Jalan 3, Taman Tun Abdul Razak, Ampang 68000, Tel: (603) 4251-8831, Fax: (603) 4251-7878, Cable: URUKUALA, E-mail: urukual@po.jaring.my


Embassy of Uruguay in Mexico D.F., Mexico – Hegel 149, piso 1°, Colonia Polanco, M. D.F., 11560, Tel: (5255) 5254.1163 – 5531.0880, Fax: (005255) 5545 33 42, Cable: URUAZTE,  E-mail: uruazte@ort.org.mx


Consulate General of Uruguay in Monte Carlo, Monaco – 22, Boulevard Princesse Charlotte,  Tel: 93 50 63 41 – 93 50 59 57, Fax: 93 50 09 59


Consulate General of Uruguay in Managua, Nicaragua – Callejon Zelaya Nro. 11, (Montoya 3c. Al lago, 1 c. Arriba), Tel: (505) 66 29 63, Fax: (505) 66 29 65, Cable: CONURUNICA,  E-mail: bergman@interlink.com.ni


Consulate of Uruguay in Christchurch, New Zealand – C/Davis Ogilvie and Partners Ltd. P.O. Box 579 Floor 4 BNZ Building 137 Armagh St., Tel: (643) 366 1653, Fax: (643) 379 2348 / 338 2080,  E-mail: emma@dop.co.nz


 Embassy of Uruguay in The Hague, Netherlands – Mauritskade 33, 2de. etage 2514 HD. La Haya, Tel: (003170) 360 98 15 / 16, Fax: (003170) 356 28 26, Cable: URUHOLAND, E-mail: uruholan@wxs.nl


Consulate of Uruguay in Bergen, Norway – Skoltegrunnskaien 1-5003, Tel: (47) 475 92 21 00, Fax: (47) 96 21 04


Embassy of Uruguay in Panama City, Panama – Calle 32, esq. Justo Arosemena, Edif. Vallarino, piso 5, Tel: (507) 225 00 49 – 227 01 37,  Fax: (507) 225 90 87, Cable: URUPANAMA, E-mail: urupanam@sinfo.net


Embassy of Uruguay in Asuncion, Paraguay – Av. Guido Boggiani 5832, Piso 3°, Tel: (59521) 22 39 70 – 20 38 64, Fax: (59521) 601 335- 225 022, Cable: URUASUN, E-mail: uruasun@rieder.net.py


Embassy of Uruguay in Lima, Peru – José D. Anchorena N° 084 San Isidro – Lima 27 – Perú, Tel: (00511) 264.00.99 / 264.12.86, Fax: (00511) 264.01.12, Cable: URUINCA, E-mail: embajada_uruguay@terra.com.pe


Consulate of Uruguay in Manila, Philippines – P.5th., PCCI, BLDG. 118 Alfaro St. Salcedo Village, Makati, Tel: (632) 815 06 25 / 06 31,  Fax: (632) 816 30 57


Embassy of Uruguay in Warsaw, Polonia – UL. Rejtana 15. Ap. 12 02-516, Tel: (4822) 849 50 40 – 849 15 90, Fax: (4822) 646.68.87,  Cable: URUPOL, E-mail: urupol@ikp.atm.com.pl


Embassy of Uruguay in Lisbon, Portugal – Rua Sampaio e Pina 16 – Piso 2°, 1000, Tel: (3511) 21.388 92 55 / 65, Fax: (3511) 21.388 92 45, Cable: URULUSI, E-mail: urulusi.embajada@mail.telepac.pt


Consulate of Uruguay in San Juan, Puerto Rico – Apart. 22897 UPR Station Río Piedras, PR 00931, Tel: (1809) 7647941, Fax: (1809) 7519210


Embassy of Uruguay in Bucarest, Romania – Strada Polona N° 35 Piso 2 Apto. 5 Bucarest 7018, Tel: (401) 210 46 92, Fax: (401) 210 03 48, Cable: URUBUCAR, E-mail: urubucar@bx.logicnet.ro


Embassy of Uruguay in Moscow, Russia – Lomonosovski prospekt 38 – Piso 1° 117330, Tel: (7095) 143 04 01, Fax: (7095) 938 20 45,  Cable: URURUS, E-mail: ururus@online.ru


Embassy of Uruguay in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – Cercon Buildings No.14,1st.Floor, P.O. 94346 Riyadh11693, Riyad-Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,  Tel: (9661) 4620739/4634472/4632612, Fax: (9661) 462 06 38, Cable: URURIA, E-mail: ururia@nesma.net.sa


Embassy of Uruguay in Pretoria, South Africa – 1119 Burnett St. MIB House Of. 301/3rd. Floor Hatfield 0083 P.O.B. 3247 Pretoria 001,  Tel: (2712) 362 65 21 – 362 65 22, Fax: (9512) 362 65 23, Cable: URUSUD, E-mail: urusud@pixie.co.za


Embassy of Uruguay in Seoul, South Korea – Daewoo Building 1802 541, 5-GA, Namdaemunno, Chung-Gu, Tel: (00822) 754-0720,  Fax: (00822) 777-4129, Cable: URUSEUL, E-mail: uruseul@kornet.net


Embassy of Uruguay in Madrid, Spain – Paseo del Pintor Rosales, 32 – Piso 1° derecha, 28008, Tel: (0034) 91.758.04.75, Fax: (003491),  Cable: URUMATRI, E-mail: urumatri@urumatri.com


Embassy of Uruguay in Stockholm, Sweden – Kommendorsgatan 35 NB 11458, P.O. Box 101 24, Tel: (468) 660 31 96, Fax: (468) 665 31 66, Cable: URUSTOCOL, E-mail: urustoc@uruemb.se


Embassy of Uruguay in Berne, Switzerland – Kramgasse 63, 3011, Tel: (4131) 312 22 26 – 311 27 92, Fax: (4131) 311 27 47,  Cable: URUHELVE, E-mail: uruguay@dial.eunet.ch

Consulate of Uruguay in Bangkok, Thailand – 267 New Road (Si Year Sing Sien Yit Pao), 10100, Tel: (662) 2220457 – 2236042


Consulate of Uruguay in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago – VEMCO LTD. 47/49 Sackville St., Port of Spain, Tel: (1809) 625 83 25,  Fax: (1809) 625 65 80


Consulate of Uruguay in Ankara, Turkey – Cinnah Caddesi 102/7 Cankaya 06550-Ankara, Tel: (0090-312) 440.94.00


Embassy of Uruguay in London, United Kingdom – 2nd. piso, 140 Brompton Road, London SW3 1HY, Tel: (0044207) 589 88 35,  Fax: (0044207) 581 95 85, Cable: URUBRI, E-mail: emb@urubri.demon.co.uk
Embassy of Uruguay in Caracas, Venezuela – Edif. Torre Delta, Av. Francisco Miranda, P.8 Oficinas A y B, Altamira, Tel: (58212) 261 76 03 – 261 53 52, Fax: (58212) 266 92 33, Cable: URUVENE, E-mail: uruvene@infoline.wtfe.com