Youth Mobility Scheme Visa

The Youth Mobility Scheme visa (formerly called the Tier 5 Youth Mobility visa) is for citizens of qualifying countries aged between 18 and 30 who wish to live and work in the UK.

What is the Youth Mobility Program visa?

The UK Youth Mobility Visa (formerly called the Tier 5 Youth Mobility Visa) is for citizens of qualifying countries aged between 18 and 30 who wish to live and work in the UK.

The application process is very simple and those who are successful can stay in the UK for up to 2 years. For those who wish to stay in the UK longer, you can then apply for a different type of visa (e.g. student visa, skilled worker visa or UK start-up visa).

The benefits of the Youth Mobility Scheme UK visa are that you can:

  • Live in the UK for up to 2 years
  • Leave and re-enter the UK at any time during your stay
  • Work (there are few restrictions on the types of work you can undertake with this visa)
  • Study
  • Be self-employed and set up a company in the UK (the rules state that you can’t have employees, that your premises must be rented and that you can’t have equipment worth more than £5,000).

It is important to note that if you turn 31 whilst in the UK on a Youth Mobility Scheme visa, you will still be able to stay for the remaining duration of your visa.

Countries using the UK Youth Mobility Scheme visa

The qualifying countries that are part of the UK Youth Mobility Scheme visa are:

  • Australia (30,000 seats)
  • Canada (6,000 seats)
  • Munich (1,000 seats)
  • New Zealand (13,000 places)
  • San Marino (1,000 places)
  • Iceland (1,000 places)

There are other countries that qualify. Citizens of these countries must register their interest and be selected via voting1 before applying. Countries voting for the youth mobility program are

  • Hong Kong (1,000 seats)
  • Japan (1,500 seats)
  • South Korea (1,000 places)
  • Taiwan (1,000 seats)

Finally, there are different types of British Overseas Citizens who can apply. You will be able to apply for a UK Youth Mobility Scheme visa if you are a British Overseas Citizen, a British Overseas Territories Citizen or a British (Overseas) Citizen.

The immigration rules also state that a person between the ages of 18 and 30 and from a qualifying country (or who has qualifying citizenship status) cannot apply if she has:

  • children under the age of 18 living with them
  • children for whom they are financially responsible
  • have already used the scheme in the past.

Youth Mobility Program visa requirements

You can apply for the Youth Mobility Scheme visa if:

  • They are aged between 18 and 30
  • are from an eligible country (or have qualifying British Overseas citizenship status)
  • have at least £2,530 in the bank to support yourself whilst in the UK. Your funds must be present in your account for at least 28 days out of the last 31 days before submitting your application.
  • do not have children under 18 living with you or who are financially dependent on you
  • they have not used the scheme before
  • have a clear test for tuberculosis (will depend on the country you are from)
  • they paid the entry fee of £244
  • they paid the health surcharge of £470 a year
  • they do not pose a risk to the UK

Supporting documents required

When applying for a Youth Mobility Program visa, you will need to provide a limited number of documents and evidence. You will be told which documents to provide. You may be asked to provide some or all of the following:

  • your current passport as proof of your identity and nationality (your passport must have at least one blank page)
  • a bank statement – this must show that you have a minimum of £2,530 in savings and that this has been held in your account for at least 28 days in the last 31 days before you apply.
  • a clear tuberculosis (TB) test result: depends on the country of origin3.
  • Any documents not written in English or Welsh will need to be translated.
  • Depending on your specific circumstances, you may be asked to provide other documents. Again, this will be explained to you when you apply.

Visa application fees for the Youth Mobility Programme

Applicants for the Youth Mobility Scheme visa will have to pay an application fee of £244 and a health surcharge of £470 per year. There is also a charge of £19.20 for a biometric residence permit (BRP).

  • Youth Mobility Program Visa Procedure
  • After applying for your Youth Mobility Program visa, you can expect to receive a decision within 3 weeks.

To apply for a Youth Mobility Program visa, you will need to:

  • Fill out the online application form4
  • Pay the registration fee and health supplement
  • Make an appointment at your nearest visa application center to have your fingerprints and photo taken for your biometric residence permit (you may also be able to use the mobile phone app ‘UK Immigration: Visa Check identity”). You will be told what biometric options you have when you apply

If you are applying from a voting country, you will have to follow a different procedure. Voting is opened twice a year (in January and July). You will need:

  • Email your home office providing your name, date of birth, passport number and mobile number
  • f you receive an email notifying you that you have been selected, you can apply using the process described above

Youth Mobility Program visa application timeline

Day 1: Submit your application, upload your documents, book an appointment and pay your fees

  • Day 2 – 2pm: Attend biometric appointment (if required)
  • Day 14 – 21: Receive a decision from the Ministry of the Interior
  • Day 22 and beyond: Passport collection and travel to the UK

Conditions for the Youth Mobility Program visa

With a Youth Mobility Scheme visa you will be able to:

  • Live in the UK for up to 2 years
  • Leave and re-enter the UK at any time during your stay
  • Work (there are few restrictions on the types of work you can undertake with this visa)
  • Study
  • Be self-employed and set up a company in the UK (the rules state you can’t have employees, your premises must be rented and you can’t have equipment worth more than £5,000).

With a Youth Mobility Scheme visa you will not be able to:

  • Extend your visa (but you can apply for a different type of visa)
  • Working as a professional sportsman as a sports coach
  • Receive public funds/benefits
  • Bring your dependents with you on the same application – nothing stops them from applying separately.

Changing from a Youth Mobility Program visa

While you will not be able to extend your Youth Mobility Program visa, you can apply to switch to a different visa. You will need to ensure that you meet the criteria for the type of visa you are applying for. Every year, many Youth Mobility Scheme visa holders decide to stay and apply for a student visa, skilled worker visa, UK start-up visa or family visa. Remember, you will need to apply for a new visa before your current visa expires.

If you need help deciding which visa options are available to you, speak to one of our immigration lawyers who will be happy to assist you, on 020 3744 2797. We can also apply for the visa on your behalf and deal with the Home Office throughout the process.

Visa application for the Youth Mobility Program rejected

If your Youth Mobility Scheme visa application is refused, you may be able to make an application for an administrative review if you believe an error has been made by the Home Office. It may also be possible to apply for judicial review in rare circumstances, when the decision made is unlawful. There are several reasons for refusal, including:

  • There are concerns about the applicant’s conduct, character, associations or other motives, which means that it would not be conducive to the public good to grant him permission
  • Whether the applicant has a criminal record (depends on the type and duration of the sentence and how long ago it was handed down)
  • If the applicant has provided false information on his application
  • If the applicant has violated immigration rules in the past
  • If an applicant has used the youth mobility program in the past
  • If the applicant has dependent children under the age of 18
  • If the applicant is already in the UK.

If you are considering applying for an administrative review, this must be done within 28 days of the refusal decision. You need to complete an online application form5 and pay a fee of £80. You will need to explain what errors you believe were made by the Home Office, which led to your visa being refused. You can expect to receive a decision on your administrative review within 3-6 months.

Alternatively, you may consider submitting a new visa application or applying for a different type of visa.

Youth Mobility Scheme

Tier 5 – Youth Mobility Scheme Visa

1. Overview

You can apply for a Tier 5 (Youth Mobility Scheme) visa,
• If You want to live and work in the UK for up to 2 Years.
• If Your Age is between 18 to 30.
• If You have £1,890 in Savings.
• If You have have Certain types of British nationality
• If You meet the other eligibility Requirements

Fees: It costs £208 to apply.


2. Eligibility:

Citizens of the following Countries can apply for Tier 5 – Youth Mobility Scheme Visa
• Australia
• Canada
• Japan
• Monaco
• New Zealand
• Hong Kong
• Republic of Korea
• Taiwan
You can also apply if you’re 18 to 30 and a:
British overseas citizen ? British overseas territories citizen ? British national (overseas)
You can’t apply if you have:

Children who live with you ? Children you’re financially responsible for ? Already been in the UK under the scheme or in the former ‘working holidaymaker’ category.

You must have £1,890 in savings.

3. Documents Required

When you apply you’ll need to provide:
1. A Valid Passport
2. A Passport size colour Photograph
3. A bank statement showing you have at least £1,890 in savings
4. your tuberculosis (TB) test results if you’re from a country where you have to take the test
You must have a blank page in your passport – this is where the visa will go.
You’ll need to provide a certified translation of any documents that aren’t in English or Welsh.
Read the guide for a full list of documents you can provide.

You may need to provide additional documents depending on your circumstances.

4. How long you can stay?
You will be given a visa to live and work in the UK for up to 24 months.
You can enter the UK at any time while your visa is valid, and leave and come back at any time during your stay.
If you turn 31 while you’re in the UK, you can stay for as long as your visa is valid.

5. What you can and can’t do

You can:
Work in most jobs
be self-employed and set up a company – as long as your premises are rented, your equipment isn’t worth more than £5,000 and you don’t have any employees
You can’t:
Work as a professional sportsperson (eg as a coach), doctor or dentist in training – unless you can show you qualified in the UK
Extend your stay
Get public funds
Bring in family members on your application – they must apply separately

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