UK Permitted Paid Engagement Visa

The Permitted Paid Engagement Visa route does not lead to settlement in the UK and all visitors must submit a separate application, even when traveling as part of a group.

What are the qualification criteria for obtaining a UK-permitted paid work visa?

You will be eligible for this visa if you are at least 18 years old and are going to work for up to 1 month. You cannot have a history that disqualifies you for a UK visa. You must intend to leave the UK at the end of your visa period. Despite this, you will need to have enough money to pay for accommodation and living expenses, as well as transport to leave, without relying on any public funds or UK public services.

What can I do with a paid engagement visa permitted in the UK?

There are some job positions for which you could get this visa, as follows:

Examiner of highly qualified academic students

You need to be an academic expert in a particular discipline through which you need to examine students’ knowledge in their subject area. You need to do this as part of a selection committee or quality assurance team. The institution on whose behalf you will sit this exam must be an academic or research institution in the UK.

Guest lecturer

The institution where you will be offered expert tuition must be recognized as an academic institution in the UK.

Designated Pilot Examiner of UK Pilots

You need to screen aspiring pilots regarding UK piloting standards. you must do so on behalf of an approved UK training organisation, by the UK Civil Aviation Authority.

Experienced lawyer

You will need to legally represent a private client in court, at tribunal hearings and in arbitration or other forms of dispute resolution.

I work in the creative sector

A job where you have to offer your expertise as a professional artist, entertainer, musician, fashion model or sportsman. Your performances must be performed on behalf of a creative, sporting or medium organization in the UK.

What are the jobs I cannot get with a permitted paid engagement visa?

It is not possible to obtain a paid engagement visa permitted in the UK to carry out any of the following activities:

  • Self-employed jobs.
  • Internship related to studies.
  • Internships of another nature.
  • Direct sales.

How to apply for UK Permitted Paid Engagement Visa?

The process of applying for a Permitted Paid Engagement visa is similar to applying for all types of UK visas.

You must make an appointment online for a paid engagement visa permitted in the UK, at least 3 weeks before applying, costing approximately £93.

As part of this visa application, you must provide your biometric information, such as fingerprints and photographs. This process is done at the visa application center.

Compiling the document file

In addition to the documents commonly required for a UK visa application, the requirements for a UK Permitted Paid Engagement Visa application are as follows:

  • Official invitation from the UK host organisation. The inviting organization must be a recognized academic, creative, sporting, research or aviation organization in the UK.
  • Evidence of correlation between your experience and the work you will do in the UK. (If you are addicted).
  • Confirmation letter from your current employer in your home country. It must confirm the type of work you currently do, which must match the work you expect to get during your expert guest visit.
  • Proof of professional status.

For a job as a guest lecturer or foreign examiner in the UK:

  • Evidence of publications in your field of expertise.
  • Evidence of previous commitments as a teacher in the same field.
  • Confirmation letter from your current employer in your home country.

To work as a creative professional in the UK:

  • Posters and similar advertising brochures for concerts, shows, speeches, exhibitions in which you have previously been engaged.
  • Proof that you have won an award or recognition. (If it is appropriate.)
  • Articles or analysis of your work from others in the media.
  • Evidence of shows or jobs similar to those you will do in the UK.

To work as an airline pilot examiner in the UK:

  • Certificate of membership issued by a national aviation authority of the country of origin.

For a job as an expert lawyer:

  • Practice certificate.
  • ertificate of good standing.

Documents that are not originally in English or Welsh must be translated into those languages and notarized by an authorized person or institution.

How long does it take to process a UK Permitted Paid Engagement Visa?

It takes up to 3 weeks to process a UK-permitted paid engagement visa. For a faster visa decision, you need to pay £212 or £956 to get a visa response in 5 or 1 working day.

Can I extend or change a UK visa for permitted paid work?

You cannot stay in the UK on a permitted paid engagement visa for more than 1 month. Likewise, you are not eligible to switch to a different type of UK visa.

With this visa, your relatives cannot accompany you or join you after you arrive in the UK.

Can I change jobs while I have the Permitted Paid Engagement Visa?

You can only work at the company/individual client for which you received the UK DPI visa. This restriction does not apply to attending a business meeting related to work you do in your home country. This activity must not interfere with your commitments to the job for which you were issued the visa.

Can I get married or enter into a civil partnership on a UK DPI visa?

No. You cannot get married, whether in a civil partnership, or announce a marriage or civil partnership, whilst staying in the UK on this visa. If you intend to do this, you must apply for a UK spouse visa instead.

Can I study while in the UK on a Permitted Paid Engagement Visa?

You can study in the UK as long as the study program lasts up to 30 calendar days. This is relevant, as long as your commitment to studies does not affect the success of the expert job for which you have been issued the visa. If you are looking to study on a longer study programme, you must apply for a UK student visa instead.

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